Reflections, gatherings, and celebrations with friends  

Gatherings and celebrations with friends

Eat, Talk, Laugh is a monthly, in-person social event hosted by our members.  It is an event that allows everyone to get to know each other better and engage in more personal discussions.  This is a opportunity for prospective and new members to feel the warmth and community of Or Adam.

 The host family determines the date, not to interfere with other OAC events, and whether it will be a potluck dinner, appetizers & desserts, brunch, or something else that we haven’t yet thought of.  Each guest family brings something to share, based upon the host’s chosen format. The Hospitality Chair will contact participants to let them know what food category they have been assigned.

 These events are open to Or Adam members and invited guests, 18 years and older.

For information, please contact the Hospitality Chair whose name is listed on the calendar.

If you would like to join our Dinner Group or have questions, please fill out the form below and one of our Hospitality Chair member will get back to you.